Saher Taj
Deccan College of Medical Sciences, India
Thank you felicitating me with the certificate. It was a good opportunity to share the
platform with so many eminent doctors from all over the world. I am humbled and
glad I could be a part of such a big conference.
Thank you everything was well organized and for following up regularly. Please do
keep me updated in case the congress happens again in the future.
I will love to be a part of such conferences.
Thank you once again.

Ronen Shechter
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Thank you for inviting me. I enjoyed the conference and looking forward to future

Ghulam Yasin Naroo
Rashid Hospital, Dubai
Cognates to the organizing committee for arranging this knowledgeable and sate
of the art event. I fully enjoyed sessions during two days of the conference. Thanks
for providing me opportunity to present at this delicate forum

Amornrat Ratanasiri
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Dr Thitima and I enjoy your conference very much, and we received beneficial
information that we will use to advise our colleague in advance. Thanks a lot for our
participation certificates. We thought that the conference is successful because
most of the researchers. All over the world could participate in this conference with
happiness. Dr Thitima and I will join you at your next meeting. Kindly tell us if you have
the meeting on the next occasion. Thank you very much for your kind help.

Nedeljka Ivkovic
University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
It was a great pleasure for me to participate in such a large scientific and professional
conference. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your trust.

Lydia Kaoutzani
Augusta University, USA
I enjoyed the conference. Looking forward to future events.